Captain america civil war 2 spoilers
Captain america civil war 2 spoilers

captain america civil war 2 spoilers

I think they could have handled that better. Just the dead son alone did seem like it should have affected him like that.

captain america civil war 2 spoilers

Some kind of "Look, I'm sorry that your son died, but I was kind of busy making sure the other 7 billion people on the planet didn't also die." Then, assuming she was aware that Ultron was his doing, she could have shoved that in his face to make it hit home. I'm guessing this is a bit of a running theme with Iron Man, but it seems like an intervention for Tony would have solved a LOT of problems before they became problems.Ĥ.) I guess you can chalk it up to the PTSD, but it seems uncharacteristic for Stark to be so affected by that one kid's death, and I would have expected him to snark it up a bit in the conversation with the mother. At the very least, you'd think Falcon and Rhodes would clearly recognize the signs from their own military experiences and find some way to intervene or get the rest of the team to intervene. Why does no one care or want to address it? Instead, it seems like everyone is content to carry on as if he's fine while his life falls apart and he literally threatens the safety of the planet (by creating Ultron, going behind the backs of most of the team). Is there some reason that they don't that I'm missing? Or is the world just ignoring that?ģ.) Stark clearly has PTSD and has had it since New York. Given that Stark just funded the research grants of every student at MIT, I'm pretty sure they have the money to contribute to relief efforts. (Maybe it fits better with their portrayal in the comics, which I have not read?)

#Captain america civil war 2 spoilers movie

I'm just saying that the movie portrays them as doing their heroics and then not doing anything to help out afterwards, and so despite them saving the world, the Avengers kind of suck, and that doesn't seem to fit with the team as portrayed so far. What about the Stark Relief Foundation that Tony mentions in AoU after the Hulkbuster fight? Do they not participate in relief and recovery efforts, or at least contribute material and monetary aid? That also seems uncharacteristic. Them just sitting there in silence and taking it seemed uncharacteristic.Ģ.) The movie makes it seem like the Avengers do absolutely nothing at all to help in the aftermaths of their big encounters, like they just destroy a bunch of stuff while saving the world and then go home and call it a day. They are not yours to keep on a leash." (or obviously better written dialog than that )

captain america civil war 2 spoilers

And they've done a heck of a lot more to save this world than your nukes have. 1.) Why didn't anyone defend Thor and Banner when the Secretary of State compared them to misplaced WMDs? I would have expected Cap and Widow (especially given her feelings for Banner) to at least say something like, "Hey, these are people, not nuclear warheads.

Captain america civil war 2 spoilers